The Spiral is a powerful process for clearing the emotional baggage and conditioning that stops us from expressing our true authentic selves.
The process was founded by Dane Tomas in 2012, and came together after 12 years of experimentation with different maps and models. It combines elements and learnings from Spiral Dynamics, Kinesiology, the Chakra System and The Scale of Consciousness.
Emotional clearing is a tool for finding emotions that are stored in the body and releasing them, whereas The Spiral is a journey that utilises clearing to unlock the emotional blocks for each 7 levels of the chakra system. Once we do that, you are able to step into a whole new level of empowerment around each level. The Spiral functions as a ladder from low levels of consciousness and low vibrational energies to higher levels of consciousness and a higher vibration.
As you start to shed the baggage (that you may have held onto for years), you begin to move through the world in a lighter and easier way. Without your stories dictating what you can and cannot do, there is less resistance and self-sabotage. It becomes easier to live in the present moment, let go of the past, and step into your true authentic self.
You may have tried to create change in the past by changing your thinking (with coaching, affirmations, visualisations, etc) with little or no success. Unlike other processes that focus on removing blocks on a mental level, The Spiral goes into the body’s energy field and releases emotional blocks that are held in the body. As you free up your emotional body, you in turn free up your ability to start living the life you want.
The Spiral is for anyone who feels they have unconscious conditioning or baggage holding them back that they haven’t yet been able to get rid of. Whether struggling in life, or super successful, this work has helped people from all walks of life step into a more empowered and authentic version of themselves.
The Spiral Journey is an 8 week process which follows 7 levels over 7 weeks with a concluding Integration and Manifestation session in week 8. Each session is held over video conference and lasts between 45 minutes to an hour.
Each week follows its own theme where we zero in on the specific emotions associated with that level that have been imprinted in your consciousness at certain stages of your psycho-emotional development, usually at a very young age. Using the Spiral technology we work to remove these emotional blockages and the impediment that these emotions had over your life, thus enabling you to clearly, freely and powerfully create the life you desire.
For some people the changes are apparent straight away, for others the shifts occur more gradually over time. Some people become hyper-aware of old patterns that were previously unconscious. You may find yourself no longer being affected by something that used to trigger you. The results are very individual.
The Spiral is NOT a magic pill! I cannot promise a “cure all” solution to all of your problems. YOU still have to do the work! BUT this journey will make doing the work a whole lot easier and effective.
If you’re a big YES then click below to book in an introductory call to discuss your needs and desires, answer any questions and make sure we’re a good fit.